Win Room One | 5 Oct, 2023

"Win Room" is a high-energy space to bring together passionate teams for achieving specific outcomes to bring ONEST to life. Each participant of the Win room commits to completing the mutually agreed objectives. It's where all participants walk-out winning. Participants go home having fully understood what it takes to execute transactions on ONEST. Scale obstacles using collaborative approach, leverage and contribute to each others' success.

Win Room One | 5 Oct, 2023 | Bangalore

Bring ideas to life!

For Win Room One, the objectives are:

  1. Network participants complete at least one round trip transaction (explained below) on ONEST between participating platforms. Aim to complete at least from Search up to Confirmation (ON_CONFIRM)

  2. Transaction across any of the four domains - Learning Experiences, Financial Support, Work Opportunities, Expert Connect - with all payments being handled outside the network.

End-to-end Transaction flow


  1. Publish Search intent (from seeker app)

  2. Respond with catalogue matching search intent (from Provider app)


  1. Item selection (from Seeker app)

  2. Quote generation (from Provider app - quote will be zero in this case)

  3. Order Initiation (from Seeker app)

  4. Publish Terms & Conditions for the order (from Provider app)

  5. Confirm order (from Seeker app)

  6. Order confirmation (from Provider app)


  1. Request status of Course completion (from Seeker app)

  2. Provide latest status/completion quantum (from provider app)

  3. Share completion Certificate (from Provider app)


  1. Provide Rating (from Seeker app)

  2. Acknowledge receipt of rating (from Provider app)

  3. Search for support (from Seeker app)

  4. Provide support details (email, ph number, etc.) (from provider app)

Before the Win Room

  1. Identify and define the use-case. Visualize the outcome. This means, writing user story, some mock screens, and anything else that helps "see the destination" (Refer to slides 1-10 as a sample)

  2. Break-down this use-case into user action and system response. This will help map each step to protocol APIs

  3. Identify information to be exchanged in each step. Map this information to protocol schema.

  4. Define an implementation design for your application/platform

  5. Start implementing the APIs. Feel free to use the Protocol Server (a reference open-source implementation)

During the Win Room

  1. Register your application/platform onto the Sandbox and mark the status as Subscribed with correct domain

  2. Start testing the end-to-end transaction with reference apps and/or other live apps

  3. Use the debugging tools and audit logs to check if the APIs in your app/platform are protocol compliant

  4. Complete an end-to-end transaction with another app/platform on the network

  5. Celebrate!

(After) From the Win Room to Go Live

If you're going live as a Seeker

  1. Identify a pilot user base and understand their needs

  2. Find a matching platform/app - provider

  3. Check if the relevant items (learning & livelihoods opportunities) are available

  4. Complete the development of app/platform for pilot roll-out

  5. Establish network readiness in technical and business terms

Characteristics of Win Room participants

Think of this as a self-selection guide

  1. Be present in-person

  2. Bring the Team:

    1. [Minimum] Backend / Frontend Developers + Architect +

    2. [Online/Optional] QA + Deployment + Tech Support (not a sales environment, engg. activities only/hackathon mode)

  3. For Providers, have your platforms ready. For example, prepare your catalogues (Courses, Content, ...), implement the protocol specifications, develop the necessary functionalities to enable the network workflows, and so on.

  4. Cloud infrastructure provisioned for development and deployment strategies in-place

  5. Product features and UI/UX workflows designed (wherever applicable)

  6. Post the Win Room: Continue to improve and scale the ideas that took shape in the Win Room, and commit to launch on production

  7. Commit to complete an end-to-end transaction

Contact hello[at]onest[dot]network for further details or to nominate your/any organization.

Last updated